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Join date: Aug 14, 2018


My name is Natalie Backman, and I am the host of this website! As a student and teacher of the Himalayan Tradition, I find myself in a perpetual state of wonder, humility, and delight. The more I learn the more I realize how much there is yet to know! I have a feeling it's endless...until we come to the end...which is an eternal state of complete union with the divine. And we'll get there when we're good and ready. Until then, let's figure out how to fully enjoy the ride.

That's what I'm here for, to maximize my experience of being human, and to share what I learn, share what has helped me grow. This is a practice for life, not just for a designated time and place (like an hour on a yoga mat).

I subscribe, as whole heartedly as I can manage, to the Tantric tenet that 'life and everything in it is beautiful because it is an expression of the most beautiful one.' In light of this tenet, I endeavor to enjoy everything life brings my way as a gift of grace. I am never a victim, rather a beneficiary of the loving guidance and education of the divine.

It is a pleasure to walk on this path with you. Let's take turns leading and following and support one another with kindness and compassion as we go.

xx Natalie

Natalie Backman

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